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TITAN - Universal Rally Hose Guide fornisce un percorso affidabile per i tubi, prevenendo l'usura inutile causata da attrito, vibrazioni e terreni accidentati. Il suo design universale garantisce la compatibilità con tutte le motociclette. Il materiale della parte è duro e resistente, ma se c'è troppa pressione o stress, la parte è progettata per sopportare il colpo al posto dei tubi.

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May i know how much is it and the postage to Malasya. It is a good Tool for the cooling system since we are in tropical zone

Ahmad Azali

Just fitted mine. Excellent quality parts and quick, tracked shipping. Can't ask for more

Jonny Akroyd

Hi, pump kit installed and can say has made a huge, difference in keeping the temp lower and more stable - i had a local shop here called fistbumpcustom install it - they are quite well skilled in the larger KTMs

Sidaw Lambert

Super. Lit it works well on my 990 am lots better in town the fan doesn't come on like before

Roger Milne

and for the pump talk whith Tonino Ambrosano. the tsunami pump upgrade is working really well

Stefano Pedretti